
Fitness is one of the three main pillars of our organization. Below you will find videos of many different exercises. These videos include examples of warm-up movements, upper/lower body strengthening, core strengthening, and stretching routines. Running workouts are also included that aim to improve your endurance, speed, and agility.

The exercises in each section are generally listed in order of difficulty. They start with some of the easier exercises and progress to the more challenging ones. As you begin to work your way through these exercises, try to incorporate a more challenging one each time.

Feel free to use this page as an open resource, but check back soon for specific work-outs that you can complete weekly.

Warm-Up Routine



Sweep the Grass

High Knee Run

Butt-Kick Run

Hamstring Kicks

Quad Stretch with a Single-Leg RDL

Upper Body Strengthening

Push Ups

Tricep Dips

Bent Over Rows

Body-weight Rows and Tricep Extensions

Lower Body Strengthening

Body Weight Squats

As these get easier, add weights in your hands.

Double-Leg Bridge

Fire Hydrants

If easy, add a resistance band around your knees

Repeated Calf Hops

(Double-Leg and Single-Leg)

Alternating Forward Lunge

Alternating Backward Lunge

Side Lunges

Single-Leg Bridge

Single-Leg Dead Lift

If easy, add weights in your hand.

Single-Leg Dead Lift hold with a dumbbell row

Squat Holds

Hold at the bottom of the squat for 3-5 seconds.

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

If easy, add weights in your hand.

Seated Jump Squat

Box Jumps

Focus on a soft landing.

Prisoner Jump Squats

Keeping your fingers interlocked on your head prevents you from using your arms to gain momentum

Alternating Jump Lunges

Box Drops into a Jump Squat

Alternate which foot you lead with on the drop down.

Resisted Band Walks

Lateral, Forward, and Backward walks with a resistant band at the ankles

Squat Pick-ups

Tuck Jumps

Jump up and tuck your knees to your chest. Try to land softly by going down into a squat.

Tuck Jumps into a Jump Squat

When landing from the tuck jump, explode up into a jump from your squat position

Single-Leg Hops

Jump Lunges into a Squat

Core Strengthening

Abdominal Plank Hold

Beginner: Hold for 20 seconds

Intermediate: Hold for 30 seconds

Advanced: Hold for 1 minute.

Bear Crawl Hold

Beginner: Hold for 20 seconds

Intermediate: Hold for 30 seconds

Advanced: Hold for 1 minute.

Plank Build-Ups

Mountain Climbers

Beginner: 15 seconds

Intermediate: 30 seconds

Advanced: 45 seconds

Russian Twists

You can use any form of weight, or simply twist your body side to side with no weight.



Cool Down Routine / Stretching

Hamstring Stretch

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.

Advanced Hip Flexor/Quad Stretch

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.

Child's Pose Stretch

Hold this position for 30 seconds while focusing on deep breathing.

Downward Dog into Cobra Stretch

Hold each part of the stretch for 15 seconds.

"The World's Greatest Stretch"

Hold the stretch for 20 seconds on each side.

Cat Cow

Hold each part of the stretch for 5 seconds.

Thread the Needle

Complete about 10 reps on each side.

Piriformis Stretch

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds on each side.

Cardiovascular Training

30-second run

1 minute rest/walk

4 reps x 3 sets

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Do the run at a relatively fast pace. You are walking twice the amount of time as running. You will have time to recover between runs.

5 second sprint

1 minute rest

4 reps x 2 sets

Rest 90 seconds between sets

You should attempt to reach top speed on each sprint. Rest the entire minute allotted between sprints to ensure maximum effort is given on every sprint.

2 minute run

1 minute of rest/walk

4 reps x 2 sets

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Complete each run at a pace that is challenging, but sustainable for all of the repetitions. You're pace will increase as you become more fit.

45 second hard run

2 minute rest

8 reps x 2 sets

Rest 3 minutes between sets

The 45 second run should be a fast pace. The pace is about 2:30-3 minutes faster than you usually run your mile. For example, if you usually run the mile in 8 minutes, the pace you run for 45 seconds should be at a 5-5:30 minute per mile pace.